MGCNLCA Officially Awarded ACSI Reaccreditation for Six Years 

Following the accreditation visit last January 21-24, the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) has officially awarded MGC New Life Christian Academy (MGCNLCA) its reaccreditation status effective July 1, 2024.

Lasting until June 30, 2030, this is the highest level of accreditation ever given to any school, which lasts for six years and covers Kindergarten to Grade 12.

In a letter sent to School Director Helen Villanueva, the ACSI certification attests that MGCNLCA is “committed to the pursuit of excellence in education, to meet the established accreditation standards, and to follow an ongoing school improvement plan.”

“This accomplishment is a testament to the unwavering dedication, hard work, and commitment of every member of our MGC New Life family. Your collective efforts, support, and trust have been instrumental in reaching this milestone, and we are deeply grateful for your contributions,” stated Villanueva in her announcement of the school’s reaccreditation to the school community.

After months of preparation done by the ACSI Steering Committee, the visiting accreditation team toured the MGCNLCA campus and observed classes and activities in the school last January, verifying the self-study report submitted by the committee in December 2023.

ACSI Steering Committee Chairperson Raquiel Pinlac expressed her gratitude to God for His grace, wisdom, strength, and joy during the process, as well as to the whole school community, including parents, teachers, students, and staff, for taking part in this endeavor.

“But it doesn’t end here,” remarked Pinlac, “I am also challenged to make sure that we continuously improve as a school and as a community. One of the highlights of the accreditation is maintaining our accreditation status with our annual reporting of our accomplishments or improvements and working towards achieving our Continuous School Improvement Plan, which includes the recommendations from the  visiting team. So the accreditation process doesn’t really end because it requires us and inspires us to work towards improving year after year.”

“We look forward to upholding and surpassing the standards set by ACSI, as we continue to provide a nurturing and high-quality educational environment for our students. Let us celebrate this achievement together and renew our commitment to our mission and vision,” added Villanueva.

MGCNLCA was first issued the ACSI accreditation on June 1, 2008. Since then, the school has applied for and been granted reaccreditation in 2016 and, most recently, 2024. 

Faith Caitlin C. Ng

I'm told I can move mountains, I see what's invisible, and I believe what's unbelievable. I change my sister into reality. And apparently I see best in the dark.


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