The 4 AM Snack Expedition: STEM's Secret to Survival

In the wee hours of the morning, when all the “normal people” are fast asleep, a distinct group of individuals are at the peak of their academic grind. Once the clock strikes midnight, the Batch 20 STEM students of MGC New Life—otherwise known as the STEMINEMs—get together in desperate hope of comprehending the unfathomable material handed to them. As the class group chat gets flooded with “How do you solve this?!” and random GIFs, many STEMINEMs begin their own routines of making their brains brain. Given the rather interesting nature of these routines, a survey was conducted on the class to find out potentially the most outrageous of the bunch. That said, as the current school year is about to close, the STEMINEMs would like to help future students of the strand and share their techniques in (nearly) finishing senior high school. 

Within the chaotic coping strategies, few fall under the normal to semi-normal category, with the majority falling under the more unhealthy classification. For instance, the practice of studying while walking and “multitasking to the max” may be a sane alternative to that of working “until your eyes give out.” In the same way, strategies of taking little breaks, which include doom scrolling on Tiktok and Instagram or even watching karaoke videos to unwind still cannot compare to the routines of blasting the dramatic pieces of Beethoven (among others), skimming college-level chemistry textbooks, and exercising. When all the above fail, the STEMINEMs may resort to the classic coping mechanism of ranting, which, as one responder puts it, is “unhealthy for [my friends], but healthy for me.” Unfortunately, while these strategies present unique solutions, many may ultimately result in an untimely defeat at the hands of sleep. Some have accepted this reality, instead hoping that they’d eventually wake up with some time to spare. If that hope doesn’t come to fruition, well, there’s always the homeroom period to cram any spare work. 

On top of these tactics, amidst the grueling battle against extreme sleep deprivation, a gleaming lifeline emerges—food. While it is a common trend for the STEMINEMs to chug multiple cups of coffee, some opt for the bold choice of consuming coffee powder raw. If you think about it, it is the most efficient and delicious way to get that jolt of caffeine for the most intense nights. For a spicy option, instant ramen was recommended—specifically the mild spicy version of Jin ramen eaten with an egg. On the other hand, for the sweet tooths in the class, some have the classic Santa Claus meal of cookies and chocolate milk while others prefer the sole chocolate bar for the energizing sugar rush despite the aftereffect of bloating. For the calm and collected ones, honey lemon tea is a soothing alternative to prevent heart palpitations and the incoming sore throat. Aside from these, prevalent munches include sandwiches, potato chips, and a combination of walnuts and apples. If you think that these are pretty average snacks, wait ‘till you read the next one—Oreos dunked in banana juice (like, what?!). Of course, if you don’t want to bother with the extra usage of your remaining brain cells, you could always just grab whatever is on the dining table and scurry back to your lair. 

Regardless of any addictive strategy or untasteful concoction, relieved sigh, or defeated groan, the STEM class of Batch 20 has reached the final weeks of their stay on the 6th floor and is relatively unscathed at that. As they prepare to bid farewell to the very room of countless confounding classes, these authors hope that the STEMINEMs will carry with them the bittersweet memories of the school year 2023 to 2024 well beyond graduation. Adieu Batch 20, it was a traumatic, draining, yet laugh-filled and fulfilling year with all of you. Cheers to us, XOXO. 


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