New Lifers Bring Home the Bacon from the WMI

Seven New Lifers bagged 7 medals, including the much-coveted Diamond Award,  at the final round of the World Mathematics Invitational (WMI) 2023 held last July 15-17 in Seoul, South Korea. 

Incoming Grade 8 student Maribeth Jullian Tiong was given an Outstanding Diamond Award during the Final Round of the WMI 2023, which is only awarded to participants who belong to the Top 3% of their category.

Aside from Tiong, the rest of the MGC New Life Christian Academy (MGCNLCA) delegation also garnered medals in the finals. Incoming Zion student Kyle Aidan Chua finished with gold, while batchmates Hans Dominic Gamboa and Jeslyn Kaydee Gonzaga secured silver finishes.  Incoming Patmos student Kailey Alyssa Chua brought home a silver, while incoming Grade 4 students Yul Kwon and Liam Reign Chuco both garnered bronze.

Founded in Taiwan in 2013, over 20,000 students worldwide took part in the competition. The WMI consists of two sections, with the first having fifteen multiple choice questions and the second having ten open-ended problems. Each section has 100 points and a 40-minute time limit.

The competition had a Preliminary Round held in each country a few months ago, from  January to March.

Nathan Andrew T. Alviar

If ever you get confused, I'm Nathan 2 from News. :D


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