Embracing the New Normal: Optional Mask Policy for SY 2023-2024

Finally, the light at the end of the tunnel!

New Lifers can now breathe freely as MGC New Life Christian Academy (MGCNLCA)  starts the school year with an optional mask policy.  

As a result of recent updates from the Dept. of Health (DOH), the school administration has declared that masks would no longer be required for students and staff during school hours. 

Infectious disease specialist and school board member Dr. Anna Ong-Lim made the announcement during the General Parent’s Orientation held last July 27. While masks are no longer mandatory, Dr. Ong-Lim however stressed that masks will still be required for those who are sick and experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19. 

Based on the pronouncement of the DOH, mask wearing is also recommended for the following individuals: the elderly, individuals with comorbidities, immunocompromised individuals, pregnant women, unvaccinated individuals, and symptomatic individuals.  The DOH is also mandating the continued use of masks in health facilities as protection for vulnerable patients and to reduce the risk of infection.

Although the non-mandatory mask policy represents a significant step towards normalcy, Dr. Ong-Lim admits the  fight from COVID-19 is far from over. Practicing good hygiene–both on and off campus–is still recommended to ensure the physical betterment and protection of the MGCNL school community.

Peach Oribelle T. Diño

I love playing volleyball, cooking, and spending time with loved ones during my free time. I'm not an avid reader, but I love writing!


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