New Lifers Shine in 1st ScholaMUN

MGC New Life Christian Academy’s Model United Nations (MUN) Varsity excelled in the 1st ScholaMUN at the Domuschola International School last January 18 to 19.

The conference consisted of four committees and allowed delegates to tackle global issues with its theme: “Generating innovative solutions to bridge the gap between marginalized societies toward equality.”

Nadine Julianna Mateo from batch Olive made her debut as a dais member, serving as the Rapporteur of the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC). This committee addressed critical issues such as the illicit manufacturing of new psychoactive substances and the reformation of prison systems. 

Meanwhile, Patmos student Soleil Dionisio garnered a verbal commendation as the delegate of France from the UNODC. 

Alongside them were two more delegates from batch Patmos. Roberto Fulgencio III represented Malaysia in the UNODC and Mikaela Denise Co participated in the International Pop Artist Conference as Jennifer Lopez. 

Originally, the 1st ScholaMUN was scheduled for November 16 to 17, 2024, but it was postponed due to the onslaught of Typhoon Pepito.


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