Preparing for the Unpredictable: MGCNLCA Holds Earthquake Drills

MGC New Life Christian Academy (MGCNLCA) continues to prepare for the “Big One” as it conducted two earthquake drills on October 2, 2023. 

During the drills done at 9:00 AM and 1:15 PM, students and teachers swiftly executed the established protocols, including the “Drop, Cover, and Hold,” to protect themselves from possible falling objects. Homeroom teachers led the students outside of the building, using class signages as guides for the students. 

Although the first earthquake drill in the morning produced a good outcome, Nicky Cawaon, the Safety and Security Department Head, and other Junior High School teachers decided to change the route for students of Patmos B and C and Damascus C and D. This decision proved to be effective as the first earthquake drill took five minutes and twenty seconds while the revised earthquake drill took only four minutes and six seconds.

“It was a success. More than what I expected, especially because of the revision,” Cawaon stated after seeing the result of the second earthquake drill. 

The school’s evacuation plan was also put into action to ensure that everyone knew the designated routes and assembly areas outside the building. This allowed for an organized headcount of all students and staff. 

As unpredicted natural disasters remain a concern, the school is determined to equip its school community with the skills and knowledge necessary to respond quickly and effectively in emergency situations, reaffirming its commitment to student safety. 

Zaira Meighan C. Gonzaga

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