New Lifers Triumph at the 3rd Assumption College San Lorenzo Model UN

Grade 8’s Cailey Tin and Grade 10’s Zachary Yap garnered a total of three awards at the third Assumption College San Lorenzo Model United Nations (ACMUNC) last January 14. Both Tin and Yap won the Best Position Paper award in the UN Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) with Yap also being awarded the Outstanding Delegate in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). 

Tin and Yap were joined by Jana Dy, Maxine Yap, and Gabrielle Hablero, who participated in the conference as Board of Dais members in the UN Peacebuilding Commission, UNCSW, and the International Committee of the Red Cross, respectively. 

The third iteration of the conference lasted a total of three days, from January 12 to 14, 2024, with the first day being online.  Participants immersed themselves in day-long discussions in alignment with the conference’s theme, Forging New Pathways: Securing Peaceful Realities Through Global Cooperation.

The conference’s theme was reflected through a wide array of discussions in seven committees, such as the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), the Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (Committee for State Security), and the Whodunnit? Murder Mystery Committee among others. 

Tin remarked, “This was my first on-site conference with no familiar faces. I think this experience pushed me to get over my fear of talking to strangers. In MUN, I’m constantly reminded that we’re countries (or whomever we represent), and that helped me embrace a more outgoing persona [in the committee].” 

“My experience altered the way I perceive MUN. I now have a better grasp of the inner workings of a conference, and I have developed mindfulness of traits that make delegates stand out. I’m truly grateful to have this opportunity, which will make future conferences even more meaningful.” Maxine Yap recounted.  

The conference came to a close with Phoebe Hernandez, ACMUNC’s faculty advisor, delivering a closing address on the conference theme’s timeliness and highlighting the invaluable efforts put into the event’s planning, followed by the awarding ceremony. 

ACMUNC is an annual conference that’s been hosted by Assumption College in San Lorenzo since 2022, with the mission of translating discussions of global change into reality. 

Gabrielle Ruth L. Hablero

constantly attempting to capture fleeting memories




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